Liquid Limits
A theory fiction on Limits written during the honors minor.
What does a limit mean to you?
-Liquid Limits, Limits can be bound by physicality but then will shift to a new limit that is perhaps bound by another entity like imagination. The limit of what our brain can comprehend doesn’t define the limit of reality. So our limit is defined by the limitations we give it. Unless we decide to open a new door and shift our perception only then can something be unlimited? Inspired by a physical limit, one as ‘‘simple’’ as holding a breath I like to see what flows out of this barrier of a limit. How does this influence our experience?
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Available at and also published in Spin Magazine 2022
A theory fiction on Limits written during the honors minor.
What does a limit mean to you?
-Liquid Limits, Limits can be bound by physicality but then will shift to a new limit that is perhaps bound by another entity like imagination. The limit of what our brain can comprehend doesn’t define the limit of reality. So our limit is defined by the limitations we give it. Unless we decide to open a new door and shift our perception only then can something be unlimited? Inspired by a physical limit, one as ‘‘simple’’ as holding a breath I like to see what flows out of this barrier of a limit. How does this influence our experience?
Please, Dive in...CLICK TO READ
Available at and also published in Spin Magazine 2022